We are a multi-generational Bible-believing church which values fellowship, mutual encouragement, and mutual edification. We strive to honor God through worship, fellowship, caring, and service. We cater to both Chinese-speaking and English-speaking believers and have ministries for kids, youth, and adults. Come join us in our worship and service to God!
我們的教會是由不同年紀的人所組成的。我們以聖經為標準, 而注重團契、互相鼓勵、和互相造就。我們籍著崇拜、團契、關懷、和服事等等來榮耀上帝。我們崇拜會使用雙語(中文和英文)以滿足不同語言會眾的需要。我們 擁有兒童,青少年人和成年人的事工。歡迎您來參加我們的敬拜和團契!
Our congregation consists of many first-generation immigrants from different Asian countries and their children born and raised in the US. While Asians comprise the majority, the church welcomes people from different cultures to join us in our worship.
我們的會眾是由許多來自不同亞洲國家的第一代移民及其在美國出生的子女。 雖然亞洲人佔多數,但教會歡迎不同文化的人參加我們的崇拜。
For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ。
I Corinthians 歌林多前書 12:12