Brief History


活石園基督教生命堂(原名:西橘園基督教生命堂)是新澤西州的第一家基督教生命堂。由於一些居住在新澤西的華人基督徒家庭的要求,在西橘園建立生命堂的工作於1973年開始實施。在此期間,楊摩西牧師發生車禍並受傷。從這次事件中,他開始質疑說建立西橘園基督教生命堂是否合乎上帝的旨意。他跪下禱告並祈求上帝明確指示。主使用詩篇66:12:「 你使人坐車軋我們的頭;我們經過水火,你卻使我們到豐富之地。」 這一節經文清楚向楊牧師表明並啟示祂的旨意。憑著極大信心,楊牧師於1974年初建立西橘園基督教生命堂。

教會於2006年6月3日, 得到上帝奇異恩典, 搬到利文斯頓(Livingston)而改名為活石園基督教生命堂。感謝上帝為祂的事工提供地方!

活石園基督教生命堂是美國國際神學福音佈道會生命堂之一。目前,國際神學福音佈道會在國內外擁有超過五十間 生命堂。教會擁有多元化的會眾組合。我們歡迎各界人士參與。

The Christian Evangelical Church in Livingston (CECL), formerly the Christian Evangelical Church in West Orange, is the first of the CEC churches in New Jersey. In 1973, at the requests of several Chinese Christian families living in New Jersey, preparations were set in motion for the establishment of the CEC in West Orange. However, around that time, Rev. Moses Yang got hurt in a car accident, which led him to question if it was God's will for him to establish the church. He knelt before the Lord in prayer and obtained clear direction from the Lord in Psalm 66:12 "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water, but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place." This scriptural passage provided clear revelation and confirmation of God's will to Rev. Yang. With great faith, he established the church in early 1974. The church moved to its current location on June 3, 2006 when God wondrously provided the Livingston property for His work.

CECL is part of Evangelical Mission and Seminary International USA (EMSI), which is comprised of more than fifty (50) churches globally. The church has a diverse congregation and welcome people from all walks of life.

A Word from the Pastor



  1. 敬拜: 我們的敬拜著重上帝和祂大能的作為。我們宣講上帝的話語使人能應用在生活 上。我們用釋經及解經方法以傳達上帝的話語。我們藉著投影片方式 使上帝的信息更清楚明瞭。
  2. 主日學: 我們教導孩子們上帝寶貴的話語 ─ 聖經,並且祈望他們能牢記上帝的應許 長大成人。
  3. 團契: 崇拜後有午餐愛筵,藉此提醒我們在主裡合一,並且彼此關懷和睦相愛。
  4. 禱告會: 我們為著教會及個人的需要禱告。
  5. 查經: 我們注重研讀聖經,並如何應用在生活上。
  6. 戶外活動: 我們在夏天時會組織徒步旅行、野餐並划船,為建立美好關係,。
  7. 暑期聖經班: 我們每年主辦成功的暑期聖經班。小孩子學習尊敬長輩們、服侍他 人、盡責任,為別人著想,重要是學習上帝的愛和真理。
  8. 牧養: 牧者陪同會友在喜樂、得勝、痛苦和憂傷時都在一起。

我邀請您與我們一同來建立上帝的教會,經歷上帝在我們日常生活中的同在、得勝及 慈愛。



We are a church dedicated to glorifying God in:

  1. Our worship. Our worship is centered on God and His mighty works. We proclaim the Word of God in relevant and practical ways that people can identify with. We use exegesis & expository method in communicating God's Word. To make the Word of God clear and understandable, we use PowerPoint presentations in proclaiming God's message to people of today.
  2. Our Sunday School. We teach children the treasures of the Word of God. We pray that they will remember the promises of God when they become adults.
  3. Our fellowship. After the worship service, we have lunch fellowship (koinonia) together. This is a reminder that we are one in Christ and have to care for one another and be united in love.
  4. Our prayer meeting. We pray for the needs of our church and the needs of individuals.
  5. Our Bible study. We have a more in-depth study of God's Word with emphasis on the application to our daily living.
  6. Our outdoor activities. In summer, we go outdoors to build our relationships. We go hiking, picnicking and canoeing.
  7. Our Vacation Bible School. We have a successful Vacation Bible School every year. The kids learn to respect authority (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc), to serve others, to be responsible, to think of others, and, more importantly, to learn of God's love and God's truth.
  8. Pastoral ministry. The pastor is present for his congregants. We are together in times of rejoicing and victory and in times of pain, suffering and sorrow.

I invite you to join us in building up the church of God, to experience God's presence, victory and love in our daily lives.

God bless you!

Pastor Stephen Lim

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. 
- Psalm 詩篇 127:1